Dana HanВаши дети - не ваши дети.Они сыновья и дочери стремления Жизни к самой себе. Они проходят через вас, но не от вас, И хотя они с вами, они не принадлежат вам. Вы...
Dana HanYour children...Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from...
Dana HanЧто такое ПОДАРОЧНАЯ ЭКОНОМИКА:❤ По поводу денег Я бы не хотелa, чтобы деньги мешали кому-либо учиться, исследовать жизнь и просить присутствовать в том, через что они...
Dana HanGIFT ECONOMY:❤ Regarding Money I wouldn’t want money to prevent anyone from learning, exploring life, and asking for presence in whatever they are...
Dana HanLife’s WisdomHoly listening—to ‘listen’ another’s being into life, may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever performs for another —...
Dana HanLife’s WisdomIf you are in need of some inspiration, feel free to tap into the experience of others and to feel connected to Life’s Wisdom: Those who...
Dana Han[2020 GIC DAY ONLINE: 글로벌커뮤니티] Gwangju Teens 광주 틴스광주 틴스를 소개합니다! We are introducing Gwangju Teens! It would have been so helpful to have this promotion video before this project started,...